Tao Po? by Jen Tarnate
Tao Po: Hang Loose

November 5, 2014

Hang Loose

I needed to be near the sea because I had to re-learn how it is to be patient and to be present.

I went on this trip alone, not expecting to get answers to questions I've had for years. Of course, I did not find them. In fact, I went home with even more questions and rephrasing of the ones I used to have. 

That's alright. I just needed to breathe... and remember how it feels to sit and be still.

My favorite professor once told us that sometimes the right questions are more important than a world of answers. 

The world has been much clearer upon reflection. It makes sense given that most of our lives are lived inside our head.

I kept looking at the scars I've collected so far- reminders that parts of me have been hallowed or altered by certain events. So I left the dry, concrete jungle and off to the sea I went. Eventually, light and salt water filled those cracks. What is that quote again saying there's nothing salt water can't heal?

The sea is a sanctuary when things go awry. 
Isn't it interesting how it can simultaneously take, give, and save lives?

My friends from Baler seem to know this by heart. I met most of them about 4 years ago. I try to visit as often as I can, and going back there is a promise of new friends and old. 

They say it is difficult to imagine a life away from the waves. I tell them I cannot imagine waking up next to it everyday. Maybe someday I'll manage to live closer. Maybe someday I'll be as wise as they are.

When your world feels like it's shrinking; when everything and everyone starts getting too close you're beginning to feel like a permanent passenger in a rush-hour MRT ride... 
exhale and feel your fingers slowly letting go of the safety handle. 

Just enjoy the ride and hang loose.

"Life is too serious to take seriously" :)

**Apologies for the sporadic posts. Aside from my schedule from hell, I had been sick for days and it just so happens that life has been giving me lemons larger than my 5'5" frame. I guess I needed that much vitamin C to heal. I'm finally ready to wear my Superwoman cape again :)

Pardon this drama of a post. Will be uploading photos of beautiful Baler and its equally lovely people soon :D

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